The trailer of the Mejbaur Rahman Sumon directorial film “Hawa” was unveiled this evening. The film marks the director’s silver screen debut. The trailer was released on “Hawa” team’s official Facebook and Facecard Production’s official YouTube channel.
In the 24 years of his acting career, Intekhab Dinar made a place in the hearts of the audience with his powerful performances on stage, television, and recently, OTT platforms.
Sharing anecdotes from the sets of that show, Shohel explained that there was an incident where his character’s hand was cut, and he had to put his ‘bloody finger’ into a jar of red chili powder.
A shakchunni (hag) with twisted feet, a rather jolly djinn looking for sweets in the ebony of night, long strands of loose hair calling upon an entity, and the night-voice calling children from their sleep– this is what Nuhash Humayun’s horror web series “Pett Kata Shaw’’ has in store for its spectators. Re-narrating famous Bangladeshi folklores, Nuhash’s “Pett Kata Shaw ‘’