babies, but choice ought to be about health insurance as well. if someone wants to choose to have a catastrophic plan only and just cover their plan for emergencies, if someone wants to have a plan that covers birth control and every other thing under the sun, even things that don t apply to that premium payer, they should have the choice to do it. the department is forcing people to buy a one size fits all and it is flat unaffordable. alnd, i ll give you the last word. i agree with you on one size fits all. those that have no need or desire for let s say reproductive you shall shoes shouldn t have to pay, and i agree with you on that. however, there is more choice in those blue states where there are exchanges, where they ve actually given more opportunity for people to have choice, because of all the different exchanges and options, and the red states, where they haven t accepted medicate money, haven t really gotten behind the exchanges and there were fewer choices, hurting thei