The evening also belonged to another stalwart from Pune. Veteran Lavani performer Shakuntalabai Nagarkar won the META for Best Actor in a Lead Role (Female) for the play Lavani ke Rang. The play, by Mumbai-based Bhushan Korgaonkar, is an exploration of the Sangeet Bari tradition of Lavani.
Hunkaroo dominated the evening, winning half the categories at one of India’s most prestigious theatre awards. The play weaves three stories by renowned Rajasthani writer Vijaydan Detha and contemporary writers Charan and Khandelwal to speak of the power of hope in sustaining life. Hunkaroo won the META for Best Production.
/PRNewswire/ Alliance University in association with the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) hosted the South Zone Inter-University Kho-Kho Tournament.
Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], February 10 (ANI/PRNewswire): Alliance University in association with the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) hosted the South Zone Inter-University Kho-Kho Tournament for Women
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. Alliance University in association with the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) hosted the South Zone Inter-University Kho-Kho Tournament for Women. The sports division of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) partially funded by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, functions to promote competitive sports in the university sector. The four-day mega event hosted about 1000 players from 76 Universities from the South Indian states and union territories, showcasing athleticism, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Business News | Alliance University Hosts the AIU South Zone Inter-University Kho-Kho Tournament for Women.