i i thinkth the republicans had the better message. we re the party talking about crime and risingrepublicans have better message. we are talking about crime and s and physical, financial, national and border rising costs, physical, financial, border security secu answering people s concerns, a messengeranswering people s c. a messenger, but it s a pretty good candidates.. somewe came hadup some pretty d candidates out there. ssome of themho camert up. sho. some of themso wereme first w t. i ho candidates. pe thei hope r they runun again. ningbut of deliveryth is the p. delivery is nodelivery is the p. delivery is no longer, do you have the american flag longer bd you? have the american flag behind you. are youare wearing a redyo tieu wa pink a pink dress? ddelivery is aress c system,use a style. ry is a system, not a style. i need to delivei need to delive messages through those messengers where you liver thoss through those messengers where you live. i can t expect you the voter to c
and november twenty, twenty four, especially when it november 2024 special victims the issue of perfecting the ofground gam perfecting the ground game, perfecting the ballot gamee, pee ballot game, embracing early voting and, embracing early voting and mail in m votingai and legall-in votd legal ballot harvesting and start winning these cl ballotos harvesting and start winning these close electionse elections. i would do the democrats at their own game and outdo the democrats at their own game. here. with reaction, fox here with reaction, fox news news contributor kellyanne conway, along with arkansas contributor kellyanne conway along with arkansas governor mike huckabee and fox news contributor ar and foxi fl news contributor arieisc fleisc. allher. right, governor, am go i right? amvernor, and my right, wrong? am i i wrong? is am i missing anything? misshouldsi somethingng anythi? should something b be added, e , subtracted? yousubt tellra me.cted ?well, sean, first of all, when