TV actor Jay Bhanushali, who plays the role of prince Shivendra Barot in the show 'Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum' ('HRNRH'), talked about the upcoming sequence and how his on-screen character will do everything to please the female lead character Surili, played by Tina Datta and seek forgiveness from her for his mother's mistake. |
TV actor Jay Bhanushali, who plays the role of prince Shivendra Barot in the show 'Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum' ('HRNRH'), talked about the upcoming sequence and how his on-screen character will do everything to please the female lead character .
Mumbai, April 28 (IANS) TV actor Jay Bhanushali, who plays the role of prince Shivendra Barot in the show 'Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum' ('HRNRH'), talked about the