Ever since its telecast, Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyag Tandav has grabbed eyeballs for its set designing as well the mythology depiction relevant to its title. The show, which premiered on June 19 on Colors TV, stars Ram Yashvardhan, Shubha Rajput and Tarun Khanna in pivotal roles. Well known set designer Omung Kumar B has created five stunning sets for the show. The Free Press Journal caught up with him
TV actor Tarun Khanna will soon be seen as Indradev in Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyag Tandav. It will premiere on Colors TV on June 19. The Free Press Journal caught up with him for an exclusive chat. Excerpts:
Best Media Info: Produced by Siddharth Kumar Tewary’s Swastik Productions, ‘Shiv Shakti’ will premiere on June 19, and will air every Monday to Friday at 8 pm| Television News