Dr Mehul Parmar treating his wife Dr Harsha, who has Covid
Rajkot: They are both doctors attending to the same cause in Rajkot’s Samras hostel. But the couple’s individual fight is on a different plane while he is fighting for others, she is fighting to save her own life.
Dr Mehul Parmar, in charge of the Covid centre, looks after critical patients needing oxygen support. While Dr Harsha Solanki too is in the same ward she is on a bed under his treatment.
An associate professor in PSM department, Dr Solanki got infected while serving in the Covid facility of the civil hospital. Dr Parmar is a gynaec and in-charge of Samras hostel where infected patients are being referred from the civil hospital. He got his wife admitted in this centre so that he wouldn’t need to take leave from work to care of her.