Impact and as far as what the local hiring was reaching the community. My question is, i know as i left the Hunters Point cac, there was a new system that the city had implemented to track local hire and particularly construction jobs. So it would be great if thor or anyone can give an update in that process as far as reviewing and local hiring and do we have better data at this point . Before, george bridges is a senior compliance specialist. The system for tracking is one that the city and county of San Francisco uses and one that we use now. Its been going on for a couple of years. There is ways to figure out that module to track, the hunters view and the Alice Griffith residents, bayview residents. There is ways to track it and george bridges can talk a little bit more about that process an we are always learning from best practices from the city as well an vice versa. Good afternoon, commissioners, george bridges. When a project goes out to bid we set up the project in elations. I