is the sea is the driving economy for the whole region. how the oyster beds will survive this day remains to be seen, they could be shut down for years to come. we can only hope at this point but the eye of the storm is now completely overland. i should say it s over east bay, which is an enormous body of water now filled with brackish water to the east and south of panama city. the hurricane itself, the wall, the eye wall of florida is crossing over highway 2. a small town of about 2,000 getting hit pretty badly right now. the front end of the storm headed directly for youngstown and eventually shipley and marianna, larger towns off of
interstate 10. this storm is going to cross over interstate 10. from the looks of things on the map, then it will hit georgia, mariana, shipley. that s the direction of this storm. atlanta, you re about to get rains from this thing. macon, georgia s getting them now. augusta s getting them now. just areas all over georgia feeling the effects of this storm. it s raining from this hurricane in cape coral on the southwest florida coast and in ft. meyers, tampa, up to clear water. all getting rain. live oak, gainesville, ocala, thomasville, in douglas georgia. the entire region experiencing rains from this massive hurricane that made landfall right about kendall air force base north and west of mexico beach sometime in the last hour.
when you consider it s a good 70 miles west of the center of circulation, that s some pretty extreme stuff, to be so far from the center of the storm itself. again, this is a drive along from fox 10, wala. this is in we ve been saying destin. i m told they re in mirimar beach. is that right? they re now in mirimar beach? anybody? is anybody still in our control room, i wonder? i guess not. so this is mirimar beach. you can see some rain, some flooding. we ve got a new thought now about where to go. mark heiner in our control room was trying to tell me we had another option. adam is in the extreme weather center. adam, it looks like the next part of this storm is headed toward mariana and shipley, florida, before moving into what
and on top of that he hasn t delivered some of the social freedoms that people voted for him to deliver. right. what we should also remember in terms of what he was saying in terms of the regime still having some support or having widespread support, we don t know how widespread that is, but let s not forget, we re talking about the entire system when we talk about the regime. 54 million went out and voted seven months ago and stood in long, long lines a while ago. it s a contradictory thing that there s a revolution going on. they stood in line and they didn t have to. shipley, let me ask you very quickly, some of the protests, at least some of the chants allegedly say that they ve been complaining that the iranian government has been involved in regional conflicts in places like syria and what have you. have those endeavors by the iranian government have they been very costly enough for the people of iran to actually protest against?
so did these fail or did they explode when that s too you re using the word explode. an incendiary reaction occurred as it was opened. [ inaudible ] incendiary reaction occurred producing a small flame and fire as the package was opened. so it [ inaudible ] that s correct. and major shipley addressed that. incendiary device. what kind of materials we have no results yet. bo bomb technicians are taking a closer look at everything. [ inaudible ] don t know. it would be unprofessional to speculate. but you said the sulfuric acid smell was there. not sulfuric acid. the odor of sulfur. oh, i m sorry. how did the robots disable this package? they did not. it was disabled when it was opened. it was just used to examine the room, to get a good handle on what s going on. sir, was there any other