Muni Ohnaruto is guided by fate and visits an unexplored land.
Shinobu Inuyose, who has been waiting there, introduces her to new faces as Muni continues her adventure.
What awaits them at the end of their journey…?
The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
Muni is forced to use the public baths today because the bath at home broke. These things happen. It’s not so bad using the public baths, right? Heck, she even runs into Shinobu! Sadly, they have nothing to talk about. Awkward silence intensifies! Shinobu gets out of the bath and walks away. For some reason, Muni decides to her follow her. She will allow Shibobu to show her around since this is his first time. Sure, why not? Shinobu has joined Muni’s spa party! Oh, is that what they meant by the title of this episode? I thought they were going to throw a party at the spa. I was bamboozled!