In another incident, a landslide took place near Khandala in Pune district at around 1.30 am on Monday and blocked the traffic between Urse and Talegaon. The road was opened for traffic in the morning after the removal of debris, an official said. The landslide on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway near Adoshi village in Raigad district took place at around 10.30 pm on Sunday, blocking all the three lanes of the expressway towards the country s financial capital, the official said.
Maharashtra rains: Traffic movement towards Mumbai, which was blocked due to a landslide on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, resumed in the early hours of Monday
The India Meteorological Department's (IMD) Mumbai centre has issued a 'yellow' alert for Monday, predicting moderate to heavy rain in the city. Civic officials said the IMD Mumbai in its Monday morning's daily weather forecast has predicted moderate to heavy rainfall in the next 24 hours.