"The world has changed." Disney+ has revealed an official trailer for a series titled Uncle Samsik, another intriguing Korean streaming series launching on Disney+ in Korea soon. It's a 1960s-set tale of two men, their pride, greed and bromance. Created and directed by Shin Yeon-shick. Starring Song Kang-ho, Byun Yo-han, Lee Kyu-hyung, Jin Ki-joo, and
Exciting K-drama releases in May include Disney+’s Uncle Samsik, in which Song Kang-ho plays a 1960s fixer, Netflix’s The 8 Show, and Frankly Speaking, about a TV host with no filter.
News News: Jin Ki Joo shines as Joo Yeo Jin in 'Uncle Samsik', transforming from a graduate to a reporter with an objective view. The series delves into the dyna