Addressing a public meeting in Jangaon on Friday, Bharatiya Janata Party MP and BJP Telangana State President Bandi Sanjay Kumar gave a boycott call to Munawar Faruqui s show which is scheduled for today in Hyderabad.
Sai Ram, who exuded excitement as he arrived at the 'Bimbisara' pre-release event, was a die-hard supporter of Jr. NTR and Nandamuri Kalyan Ram. On Friday, he
In Hyderabad s Shilpakala Vedika, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram and the Bimbisara team hosted a pre-release ceremony on Friday, which had Jr. NTR as the chief guest. In a tragic turn of events during the pre-release event, Sai Ram, a devoted admirer, .
Bimbisara Team Responds About A Fan s Death: The grand pre-release event of Kalyanram s Bimbisara took place last night in Shilpakala Vedika and NTR attended the event as the guest of the evening. A fan passed away in a mysterious manner and the news created a sensation.