Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan performed the Shila Pujan of the grand Devi Lok of Vijayasan Mata to be built at Salkanpur at a cost of Rs 211 crore today. He said that it is the responsibility of the government to promote religion and culture, which connects people, along with the works of
The first temple corridor ‘Devi Lok’ dedicated to a Hindu Goddess in MP, will come up at the scenic Salkhanpur town of CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s home district Sehore.
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has thanked his UAE counterpart Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan for co-chairing the 14th India-UAE Joint Commission.
External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar who is on a three-day visit to United Arab Emirates (UAE) visited the under-construction Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi said to be the first traditional temple in the Arabian Peninsula and expressed his happiness over its rapid progress.