17 neonatal abnormality, skin-to-skin contact and bathing within 24 hrs.
18 Behavioral factors like inappropriate thermal resuscitation appliance and clothing,
6,19 no wearing cap and no warm intra-facility transportation
10 are among the commonest factors associated with newborn hypothermia.
The trend of neonatal mortality was showing good progress. The 2005 Ethiopian demographic, health survey (EDHS) with Neonatal mortality rate (NMR) of 39, 2011 EDHS with NMR of 37 to NMR of 29 in the 2016 EDHS.
20 But the 2019 mini EDHS shows that the national NMR becomes 30. This shows that further actions should be taken to improve neonatal survival in Ethiopia.
21 The NMR of Oromiya regional sate was 37, which is higher than the national NMR of 29.