At last, the Midwest is receiving recognition as the best portion of the nation. America’s regional characteristics are remarkably durable, a diversity resistant to dissolution by the mobility of restless
For my wife and me, this Christmas will require deeper digging into our sleigh of giving. In this past year, we lost our precious youngest son. We have heard from, read about and talked to so many others, inside our family and without, who have borne similar losses.
For my wife and me, this Christmas will require deeper digging into our sleigh of giving. In this past year, we lost our precious youngest son. We have heard from, read about and talked to so many others, inside our family and without, who have borne similar losses.
"Sister Carrie" filmmaker Daniel Nearing hopes his dreamlike adaptation will "call out centuries of romantic literature where the protagonists were, in fact, victims of their authors.”
As a young man in the early 1960s, Peter Oresick stopped at his local library and borrowed a copy of “Request for Sherwood Anderson,” a novel by fellow Ford City native Frank Brookhouser. In the book, Peter recognized settings and surnames from his hometown – and that was the start