Look at an old lead. He said its a match. And a person nobody suspected of murder. We were going to end this. Was suspect number one. Perfect murder, almost. She was a new bride, married three months and then she was found murdered, what happened to her had remained a mystery for decades partly because the police thought she was killed during a breakin gone bad, when the detectives reopened the case, they discovered it was not a burglar, but a suspect whoses trail led right to their own front door. Here is the smoking gun. February 2, 2009, the homicide did the homicide detective arrived at the station. I was tired, i have tired. He hosted a Super Bowl Party and the beer flowed freely. That seemed to be a good day, having a cup of cough and i getting caught up on the reading. Reporter a couple of aspirin. Maybe. Reporter he reached for a file that was sitting on his desk for months. The murder of sherry are rassmussen, shot to death in her condo, just a few miles from y where he worked
problems. you had the proliferation of the high powered weapons. you had crack cocaine hitting the streets. all the forces had a tremendous homicide rate and the officers were overwhelmed. reporter: and now, the cops had their hands full with a heinous crime in the san fernando valley. sherry ras sympt amprassmussen in her home and then, a few weeks later, a possible lead. former crime scene investigator, yolanda mclarry was a consultant for nbc news. in the same vicinity, another woman was approached at her residence by two males at gunpoint, and involved a home invasion situation robbery. so, police early on thought the it was a possibility the two men may have something to do with the murders. reporter: a sketch was released of the two men. but still, detectives had no