Port Huron City council got an earful from the public Monday night about seasonal leaf removal - or lack thereof - in the City of Port Huron. Contractor Emterra Environmental currently provides trash, recycling, yard waste, and bulk leaf removal services in Port Huron. Emterra is in the final year of a five year contract and city manager James Freed says they have not lived up to their end of the agreement. "We've been very candid, they've been doing a terrible job," Freed told WPHM. "They promised us four rigs fully crewed in the city every day. we document where they're going, they've had two, maybe one rig, and have fallen behind. We promised people weekly pickup and they're not getting it." Freed says the city could terminate the agreement with Emterra now if they wanted to, but with staffing shortages and the changing of seasons, they will be staying with Emterra for through the end of the contract. Freed adds the city is also floating
An airman was named one of the top 22 volunteers in North Carolina by Gov. Roy Cooper for her work in helping Wayne County children and improving conditions at Seymour