was that an appropriate use of taxpayer resources? did this congress dot right thing in promoting the auto recovery part? yeah. as i mentioned, in many respects it wasn t about one individual company. it was the entire auto industry that was in jeopardy and that would have been a major catastrophe for our company. it s great to see the success of the auto industry. in hindsight you can go back and say there could have been other ways to do it that would have been more efficient. it s done and the exciting part we should be proud about is the auto industry moving ahead and we need to be supportive about that but that s the point of making sure that they have the right skill trades to succeed. we need to do a better job of collaborating with them. i appreciate that. i ask that question once again to ask this question to both of you, a couple of decisions we re going to have to make in short order deal with unemployment insurance and transportation and infrastructure on fede