A littleknown location in abkhazia, my plans for this trip are to visit a cauldron that fits in the palm of my hand, to find out the secret of preparing the legendary khachapuri this is, from the famous abkhazian pickled cabbage, to find the most delicious shish kebab in abkhazia, the best place for photo shoots and for relaxation, and well. The main thing is to test high abkhazian cuisine, you are the pride of abkhazia, i will tell everyone about you, yes, it turns out there is such a thing, but in order to implement all these plans, we still need to get to abkhazia, they say that in 2025 an airport will start operating in sukhum, but for now there is none, the road passes through sochi, no, perhaps this is not the place for us, families with children are given priority here, not the hosts of travel shows. And watch a movie thanks to the onboard Entertainment System and learn the most necessary phrases for traveling, hello, in abkhazian it will be tsera umas, thank you and tapuk, very
Nigel Holness (left), Managing Director, CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank presents a cheque to (2nd l-r) Rotary President, Audley Deidrick and Past Presidents Eugene Folkes and Wayne Strachan in support of the Rotary Club of St. Andrew’s 2021 major project to convert the Father Sherlock Hall into “The Trench Town Community Museum”.
Boys Town is closer to an expanded and refurbished multi-purpose centre with a financial boost from CIBC FirstCaribbean in support of the Rotary Club of St Andrew’s 2021 major project to convert the Father Sherlock Hall into “The Trench Town Community Museum”.
The completed space will serve several purposes including expanded room for the Infant Department of the Boys Town Infant and Primary School which will allow for social distancing required during the COVID-19 pandemic.