you don t like suspense like that. i don t like suspense or violence. it s interesting, though, i got stuck in the march on the way home from work on saturday, and it was amazing to see the people shouting at police. the police are protecting the shouters. they re there to keep them from getting hurt, and all i saw was white leftists with backpacks shouting at cops. as i understand it, reading the coverage from reporters that were down there, the cops stood there face to face, did not turn their backs, just took it. the curious thing is, where is the source of this organization coming from? because it was four days after the nypd officer was killed. it wasn t like there was some sort of event that made them want to spontaneously protest on a saturday. it was three days. eric, let s play sheriff clark because it s always interesting. i love him. i don t know why they bother policing those demonstrations.
they re not protests. those people advocate for the overthrow of our illegally constituted government. let them fend for themselves. let the law-abiding people of new york clash with them for disrupting their lives, disrupting their businesses, and then the police can show up and arrest these subhuman creeps for creating a disturbance. he calls them subhuman creeps. there was a back and forth with wheeler that it s worth watching, but sheriff clark stayed on a couple quick steps. the fbi came out and said all the anti-cops increase the violence among cops, so blood on your hands, quentin tarantino. of the 800 people killed by cops last year, 725 of them had guns. this isn t just random cop finding a guy, shaking him down and wanting to kill him, they re actually feeling a threat and they re responding to the threat.
liberal ideology has been very druktive for the black community for the last 50 or 60 years. of course all lives matter. all lives include black lives. we have to stop submitting to those who want to divide us up into all of these special interest groups and start thinking about what works for everybody. there are a lot of policies that this administration embraced that hurt black lives, that hurt all people who are in the underclass. kimberly, sheriff clark, ben carson, think they re right, clearly, all lives matter. to me it s a political context up on the debate stage where you have the democrats not wanting to antagonize the black lives matter group for fear of possibly losing black political support. in the democratic primaries. what do you think? i never stand down to bullies. when when you re trying to win someone s vote? who are you. you re somebody who is a sell out. you know what you re say
now she is sinking past fast the polls? why is she even still in the race? a big question from one of the biggest supporters right? i am going to ask him that next. two duncan doughnuts in hot water for discriminating against cops? is there a war on police? sheriff clark is here live. what question should hillary clinton be asked that tat the democratic debate? facebook or tweet me hashtag judge njeanine. bring us your aching and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. be a morning person again
outsider candidates are not now. but not since 1940 has one been able to sustain and actually become the nominee. republicans are more conservative than just an ideology. republican primary voters if you look since 1940 have voted for the individual who has been loyal to the party who has shown a track record of success. that s how we dictate between rhetoric and getting results. that is going to be the key for whether it is donald trump, whether it is ben carson, whether it is carly fee reeb gnaw? how do they show the results for the ideas they are promoting. thank you for being with us tonight. next police officers, i will talk about it this with man sheriff david clark. plus is hillary clinton