It’s sure greening up here. Every bit of livestock is out chasing the green grass and looking a little shaggy with the winter hair still on them. As I write this, there’s substantial rain.
I know we say it every spring, but I sure wish the wind would let up. I’m sure the empty lick barrels and trampolines have all left the country by now. It’s kind of.
The moisture was sure welcome with the recent storm. It didn’t amount to a storm where I’m at, and only 3-4 inches of snow, but others got hammered pretty good. As I’m writing this,.
It was zero here this morning but got up to a bit over 40 today. It’s supposed to be pretty nice for the start of March. February lasted about 12 days for me. How about.
The weather has been just beautiful this week. The snow is about gone here and the sun has been shining. Those who are calving, lambing and foaling are sure enjoying the nice days and nights..