Shelly Westerhausen Worcel discussing and signing Every Season is Soup Season Join us for Shelly Westerhausen Worcel discussing and signing Every Season is Soup Season: 85+ Souper-Adaptable Recipes to Batch, Share, Reinvent, and Enjoy. Optional RSVP is below, but not required to attend the event.
With autumn upon us, the new cookbook 'Every Season Is Soup Season' offers three new recipes that are easy to make and keep you warm, perfect for the fall.
These sweet and slightly spicy pickled carrots created by Shelly Westerhausen Worcel, author of Platters and Boards, should be made at least 24 hours ahead of time so they have time for their flavors to develop. Although they will stay good in the fridge for over a week, they may lose some crunch after a couple of days.
In Every Season is Soup Season, food writer Shelly Westerhausen Worcel delivers vegetable-centric soup recipes, plus a wealth of ideas for next-day meals.