AUSTIN The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is asking Texans to weigh in on their favorite designs for a new conservation license plate to support wildlife viewing and nature tourism programs.
TPWD Asks for Public Input on Roadrunner Conservation License Plate Design
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) asks Texans to weigh in on their favorite designs for a new conservation license plate to support wildlife viewing and nature tourism programs. Voters have until April 21 to com
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is asking Texans to weigh in on their favorite designs for a new conservation license plate that supports wildlife viewing and nature tourism programs in Texas.
KTOY For the first time, the 24th annual Great Texas Birding Classic (GTBC) took place in fall instead of spring last year after having been postponed due to the public health crisis.
The postponement allowed event organizers to further plan and implement health and safety measures. Despite postponement, the event garnered a record 138 teams registered, with a total of 650 participants across the state.
Money raised through 2020 team registrations and sponsorships made it possible for the GTBC to award $34,000 in Conservation Grants, bringing the 24-year tournament total to $1,027,000 in on-the-ground habitat acquisition, restoration and enhancement projects.
“It is truly remarkable and gratifying to top the $1 million mark after 24 years of work,” said Shelly Plante, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department nature tourism manager, who has been involved with the event since 1998. “From the beginning, we wanted a way to not only encourage birdi