Agenda1. Opening remarks: Pilar Ramon-Pardo, AMR Special Program & Comprehensive Immunization Program, PAHO2. The role of vaccines in reducing AMR: Mateusz Hasso-Agopsowicz, Technical Officer, WHO2. Regional overview of vaccine introduction, vaccination coverage and epidemiological surveillance: Alvaro Whittembury, Comprehensive Immunization Program, PAHO3. Potential of ReLAVRA+ network to measure the impact of vaccines on AMR in the region: TBC. 4. Vaccines as tools to reduce AMR: the perspective of the USA: Shelley Magill, US-CDC5. Q&A A short, moderated discussion will follow each presentation.Interpretation will be available in Spanish.Register here
This Viewpoint discusses Hospital Sepsis Program Core Elements, a set of guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help hospitals d