Shell geht zum Gegenangriff über
vom 21.07.2021, 07:48 Uhr
Shellgeht nach einer herben Niederlage vor zwei Monaten zum Gegenangriff über. Der Energiekonzern will selbstbestimmt in eine klimafreundliche Zukunft und zieht nun wieder vor Gericht.
Wogegen geht Shell in Berufung?
Am 26.Mai fällte ein niederländisches Gericht ein fatales
Urteil gegen Shell: Der Öl-Riese muss bis 2030 die Nettoemissionen seines gesamten Geschäftstreibens um 45% reduzieren. Shell hatte sich selbst das Ziel gesteckt, bis 2030 nur eine Reduktion von 20% des Kohlenstoff-Fußabdrucks zu erreichen. Bis 2035 sollte dann die 45%-Marke fallen. Zur Mitte des Jahrhunderts wäre dann der gesamte Konzern klimaneutral. Shell fühlt sich durch die Verurteilung ungerecht behandelt und wird in Berufung gehen.
the fear about this economy, the biggest obstacle facing president obama right now. i surely think it is. writing about the headwinds facing the president in politico today. and new york magazine, a big cover about the republican fight. john heilemann first. the perfect storm. europe in turmoil, countries on the periphery of hell waiting to drop out, inability to pay their debt. the united states going day-to-day basically in a clinch, a non-decisive clinch, was the smartest guy on the block mitch mcconnell saying i m not going to let the republicans be blamed? this is all obama s baby? let him have it. i think it was. you mentioned before working for jimmy carter. the last time we ve had nine consecutive drops, was february 1978. the memories should are strong for you of this kind of thing. i think that what we had was, we managed this week to avoid a
what a clear picture. thank you so much, maria bartiromo from cnbc for coming to join us this tough night. the fear about this economy, the biggest obstacle facing president obama right now. i surely think it is. writing about the headwands facing the president in police coe today. and new york magazine, a big cover about the republican fight. john heilemann first. the perfect storm. europe in turmoil, countries on the periphery of hell waiting to drop out, inability to pay their debt. the united states going day-to-day basically in a clinch, a non-decisive clinch, was the smartest guy on the block mitch mcconnell saying i m not going to let the republicans be blamed? this is all obama s baby? let him have it. i think it was. you mentioned before working for jimmy carter. the last time we ve had nine consecutive drops, was february 1978. the memories should are strong for you of this kind of thing.
the fear about this economy, the biggest obstacle facing president obama right now. i surely think it is. writing about the headwinds facing the president in politico today. and new york magazine, a big cover about the republican fight. john heilemann first. the perfect storm. europe in turmoil, countries on the periphery of hell waiting to drop out, inability to pay their debt. the united states going day-to-day basically in a clinch, a non-decisive clinch, was the smartest guy on the block mitch mcconnell saying i m not going to let the republicans be blamed? this is all obama s baby? let him have it. i think it was. you mentioned before working for jimmy carter. the last time we ve had nine consecutive drops, was february 1978. the memories should are strong for you of this kind of thing.