o er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o say does that star spangled banner yet wave o er the land of the free and the home of the brave ashley: protesters reacting after police released body cam footage of the police involved death of tyree nichols, other cities saw demonstrators take to the streets. rachel: charles watson has body footage that is causing outrage across the country. reporter: good morning. prior to the release of body cam videos showing the violent beating of tyree nichols at the hands of memphis police officers, we were told those videos would be graphic and savage and the videos released by the city of memphis friday evening appear to live up to those descriptions. i didn t do anything. i was trying to if you don t lay down. i am on the ground. reporter: in the first video captured
video. reporter: good morning. prior to the video s release, we were told it would be inhumane and savage and appears the videos live up to the descriptions and it all started earlier this month an january 7 when memphis police officers pulled over tyre nichols. body cam video shows an officer aggressively yank nichols out of his vehicles and the 29-year-old tells officers he wants to go home. nichols escapes from police and they tase him as he takes off down the road and at that point officers chase him and later on other officers spot him and catch up to him. nichols is on the ground as officers restrain him, punch him, and pepper spray him. all the while the officers are demanding he give them his hands as nichols calls out for his mother. mom! mom! mom! mom! mom! reporter: now, even though it appears officers have control of nichols, the assault continues. at one point you see an officer kick nichols in the head at least twice as if he s punting a football and then offi
charles. reporter: good morning, guys. for days we were told that the beating of tyre nichols at the hands of memphis police officers would be heinous and savage and unfortunately the videos live up to those descriptions. [ yelling ]. reporter: the first video captured on body cam and an officer approached tyre nichols with their gun drawn and aggressively yank him out of his vehicle as nichols tells officers he didn t do anything and officers throw him on the ground and throw laced commands at him and put him behind his back and nichols escaped from police and they tase him and takes off his shirt and runs away. at that point, officers chase after nichols and later on when officers catch up to him, you see nichols on the ground as he s being restrained. multiple officers punch nichols several times and pepper stray him as they demand he give them his hands and all this happening as nichols calls out to his mother for help. mom! mom! mom! mom! reporter: despite the fact t
oh! m mom! give me your hands. give me (bleep). okay. all right. (bleep) give me your hands. give me your hands. watch out. give me your hands. spray. neil: you hear a lot of shouting and screaming and tyre nichols several times calling out for his mom. at least half a dozen times by my count, could have been more than that, she lived 100 yards away, 200 yards away, literally within shouting distance. let s get more from dharls watson. hey, good morning, neil. you know, tyre nichols seemed surprised at the level of aggression that the memphis police officers used to warn him on the videos you see the officers relently beat nichols for minutes during a january 7th traffic stop that turned violent almost immediately. body cam video shows an officer aggressively yanked nichols out of his vehicle as the 29-year-old tells officers he just wants to go home. a few moments later you see nichols escape from police who then tase him as he takes off down the road. at that
new statement from the representative desmon, jr., police officers charged in the death of tyri nichols, mills attorney is reaching out to the public and asking them not to pass judgment on his client s involvement in beating. in new statement, quote, we continue to urge caution in judging desmon mills actions, whether he committed the crimes charged will be answered with the resulting no. the statement, of course, comes less than 24 hours after the country got a chance to view horrific body cam video of memphis police officers relentlessly beating nichols. the video shows officers aggressively yank nichols out of his vehicles as the 29-year-old says he didn t anything. he is thrown to the grown while officers continue to yell at him. a few moments later you see place taze nichols as he managed to escape and run away and some of the officers on scene pursue him you can see one officer who remain behind him wish physical harm on nichols. stomp his ass. the officer is deman