Leathernecks, you did it! Western Illinois University pride was in full force April 24, as WIU hosted the annual Western Challenge on Purple and Gold Day. The event spanned 24 hours and raised $228,919 with more than 1,200 donors. The gifts surpassed the 2022 challenge and a record number of donors gave.
Gardner said she gets her cards from the Las Animas community. I get cards from people all around the community, Gardner said. I also buy cards wherever I can find them, like Amazon and local stores in town.
Now with a full-blown operation on her hands, Gardner is always on the lookout for extra cards.
The freshman said anybody can donate cards to her. I always put my return address, and I put some return labels in there, Gardner said. I also have a stamp that I put my return address in each of the cards. I m always taking extra cards.