While pressing the diplomatic case against Tehran's nuclearambitions at the U.N., the U.S. should discreetly support Iran'sdemocratic opposition and boost security cooperation with regionalstates.
For the better part of the past 50 years, each successive U.S. Administration has eventually come to the same conclusion about America's relations with Europe.
The Bush Administration and Congress have made progress in someareas of public diplomacy, but the United States will lag inforeign outreach unless bureaucratic structures are streamlined,better coordinated, and focused on tasks at hand.
Implementing a strategy of diversifying the sources of America'senergy imports will require securing access to and encouragingincreased production of oil resources in Africa. The current U.S.policy of promoting economic freedom and political accountability,transparency and accountability in the energy sector, and enhancedsecurity is the best way to secure stable access to naturalresources for the long term.