The American Red Cross has scheduled a blood drive this Thursday, here in Shelby. The drive will be over at the Shelby Civic Center, from noon, until 5:45.
Both Shelby, & Conrad, are having blood drives this Thursday. Conrad's Community Blood Drawing runs from 11, to 5, at the Conrad Mission Church. Our Shelby
Shelby's recent blood drive on the 1st of month took in some 59 units of blood. 59 units (!) when the goal was 53, way to go! A shoutout to the 64 good folks
We'll have 2 American Red Cross Blood Drives next week in our Golden Triangle. Sunburst, will be having their drive on Tuesday (1/20) afternoon from 12:30,
We'll have 2 American Red Cross Blood Drives next week in our Golden Triangle. Sunburst, will be having their drive on Tuesday (1/20) afternoon from 12:30,