The Tamil Nadu forest department is planning to conduct a census of critically endangered vultures along with the third phase of synchronised bird census to be held in the state on March 26-27.According to Tamil Nadu forest department sources, .
The Tamil Nadu government has commenced work for the country s first dugong conservation reserve in the Palk Bay region.Dugongs are endangered species that are protected under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. The Wildlife .
The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) has given its approval for building a zoo at Tiruchi, which will be the fifth such facility in Tamil Nadu.The zoo, according to the Tamil Nadu Forest Department, will come up in an area of 30 hectares.Department .
There is a mixed response to the night travel ban imposed on the 22 km stretch of the Dhimbam ghat road passing through the Satyamangalam Tiger Reserve (STR) in Erode district from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.The Tamil Nadu government was forced to .