Selma, Alabama. The church is gone. All that remains of the Reformed Presbyterian Church is a log-pile and some crumbled bricks. You can’t even tell it was a church.
SELMA, Ala. (AP) The Sunday after a tornado devastated much of the historic city of Selma, church congregations raised up prayers of gratitude for lives spared and gave prayers of comfort for lives lost elsewhere to the storm.
A congregation in Selma, Alabama, praised God and their hero daycare staff on Sunday for saving the lives of some 70 children in their care as deadly tornadoes swept through parts of the southeastern U.S. last Thursday.
The Sunday after a tornado devastated much of the historic city of Selma, church congregations raised up prayers of gratitude for lives spared and prayers of.
SELMA, Ala. (AP) Leading Sunday services on the lawn outside his tornado-damaged Crosspoint Christian Church, the Rev. David Nichols told his congregation there was much for which to be grateful despite the destruction around them.