“Princeton Bhangra, Princeton’s South Asian cultural dance group, held their fourth annual performance on the nights of April 13 and 15 in Frist theater. The 90-minute-long show, titled ‘Kitaab: Let the stories unfold,’ featured six energetic dance numbers, complete with vivid costumes and props.”
On May 15, UCSB students made their way to Harder Stadium to watch rapper A$AP Ferg, indie-pop band Dayglow and disc jockey Valentino Khan perform, free of charge.
HipHopDX brings you the Dreamville D-Day album review which was released on Friday April 1, 2022. One of the last remaining rap collectives disappoints greatly.
HipHopDX Dives into the new Lil Nas X album MONTERO to see if the social media savant can make music that justifies the constant attention he's received recently.