Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meier of Lincoln, Kansas will soon celebrate their 50th anniversary. Clifford Martin Meier and Vivan June Lawless were married January 2, 197 at St. John Lutheran Church near Lincoln, KS.
Vivan Lawless, from Belle Plaine, KS moved to Lincoln in 1964 to become the Lincoln County Extension Home Economist after completing college at Kansas State University. She was later employed as an Income Maintenance Worker for the Kansas State Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services for Lincoln and Ellsworth Counties. For a short time she was the local manager of the Town ad Country Annex, a women s clothing store in Lincoln. Following the store s closing Vivan was a deputy clerk in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk of the District Court and was a clerk/cashier at the Lincoln Grocery for a number of years. She also was a substitute teacher for the Lincoln and Tescott schools and closed out her career as the manager of the Lincoln Senior Center before retiring
They were united in marriage Dec 28, 1970 at St. George Catholic Church in Munden, KS.
Dick and Cathie met while teaching in Bennington, KS. Cathe started her first year of teaching at Bennington, she was teaching music. DIck taught 5 years prior to teaching at Bennington where he was the business teacher and coached football., basketball, track and Cross Country.
It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT for both of them. They were married four months later and have had 50 years of HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!
After teaching 7 years in Bennington they moved to Concordia where they have made their home for the last 43 years.