On today’s episode, I talk with three health care leaders affiliated with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB): Terri Poe, chief nursing officer at UAB Medicine; Maria Rodriguez Shirey, dean of the UAB School of Nursing; and Shea Polancich, assistant dean for clinical innovation, UAB School of Nursing.
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare systems scrambled to modify patient care processes - particularly when it came to strategies aimed at reducing the risk of hospital-related complications.
Navigating the COVID-19 crisis to prevent pressure injuries: Learning health system helped one hospital adapt and update care in real time
Newswise May 7, 2021 – Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare systems scrambled to modify patient care processes – particularly when it came to strategies aimed at reducing the risk of hospital-related complications. A look at how one hospital applied its learning health system (LHS) framework to respond to a COVID-19-related increase in hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) is presented in the May/June
. Given the significant challenges that pressure injuries may pose to the hospitalized patient, healthcare providers and leaders are faced with the task of HAPI risk mitigation that factors in the unknowns of the COVID pandemic, write Shea Polancich, PhD, RN, and colleagues of University of Alabama at Birmingham. Their experience shows how an LHS approach can support healthcare systems in reducing the risk of HAPIs and other p