Distinguished professor of history at North Carolina university. Hes the author of six bucks, editor of four. Others his latest book in the reason that we are here this evening is ulysses s. Grant, the buck will be available for sale and signing outside of the conference room. Hes the founder and society of the his story guilt in this era, hes held several research grants, we are thrilled to have him here tonight, and of the year all in for a great presentation. Thank you on behalf of the smithsonian for joining us. We welcome you to the stage. Good evening. Thank you very much elizabeth for that introduction. As all of this with said, i have spoken here, before my wife and i have attended many all the events here. I find a lot of these audiences are intelligent, curious, enthusiastic, and have Attention Spans of more than 140 characters. Speaking of technology this is actually the first presentation ive given with powerpoint, i know what shocked you but it happens to be true. So any g
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