if bill gates says look, i m good at making money that s ridiculous. i tried to argue this with ted turner, but he wasn t buying it. am i wrong in thinking that i m happy if bill gates gives nothing to charity? wouldn t you be happier if he did? this is why people don t like newsmen. i m a newsman, too. i know your dirty tricks! there is nothing more to say. good-bye. i m walking off. since he didn t want to talk about it, let s take that same question to economist ben powell from texas tech. i m not bothered if they don t give more of it away. they make their money by making our lives better, so they are helping people by making a profit. and often that s the best way they can go about helping people. and when they make a profit and they hire people, those jobs live on for years and people use it to educate their kids and feed their family. there is a multiplier.
healthy man that you want to sign up for this insurance is going to cost up to 100% more than a policy that he could have bought in the private sector before, which he wasn t buying then. it was a lousy insurance policy. he wasn t buying it. many of these people are not going to apply and now we re going to make sure that when people buy an insurance policy, they are truly protected. listen. in terms of cost. you know, sometimes we focus on the premiums. for consumers, what s really important are the premiums, the deductibl deductibles, the co-pays. things that are not covered. but the really good insurance, people are actually going to say the premiums are trice as high. they re not going to get to the website. grace marie, if, if we delay, then the young healthy people aren t going to get in the pool. and the 30 million people with
many moves, our father died dyen the wool new yorker, transferred to georgia. he was a bull in the china shop. he didn t know what to make of the exceedingly nice, overly charming southerners who wouldn t say a bad thing about anyone, or at least to anybody. it got so bad when someone said, y all come back, my dad said, when? my mom would say they re just being nice, but he wasn t buying it. he thought they were hiding something, just too classy to say something. probably sometng in his case, because i m sure they were thinking y all please don t come back. my dad was not so big on subtle or sweet. when the president says we need to live within our means my dad would say when did you come up with that revelation, sparky? find time for that, fox news alert. my dad died years before there was a fox news.
he states his belief the aryan race was created by god and a sin to dill dilute it through racial mixing. he also professed in a speech that jesus was the one true god. well, one pastor who will be with us tonight told us of the story when hitler became chancellor of germany. he met with all of the leading pastors. he openly try stod reassure them tried to reassure them that the position of the church was secure. but he secretly was setting out to silence them. one of the men in the room was martin neimoler. he wasn t buying it at all. he wasn t buying it and he pushed his way to the front of the pastors. this was spooky dude. you have didn t go after this guy. he did. he went and he faced hitler right nose to nose. niemole told him, our concern is not for the church. jesus christ will take care of the church.
and a sin to dill dilute it through racial mixing. he also professed in a speech that jesus was the one true god. well, one pastor who will be with us tonight told us of the story when hitler became chancellor of germany. he met with all of the leading pastors. he openly try stod reassure them tried to reassure them that the position of the church was secure. but he secretly was setting out to silence them. one of the men in the room was martin neimoler. he wasn t buying it at all. he wasn t buying it and he pushed his way to the front of the pastors. this was spooky dude. you have didn t go after this guy. he did. he went and he faced hitler right nose to nose. niemole told him, our concern is not for the church. jesus christ will take care of the church. our concern is for the soul