Pharrell Williams is working on new NERD music - The Number One music magazine feat. band & artist news, reviews, interviews, videos & gossip UK & worldwide.
While some might assume that major A-list stars bypassed this tiny Southeast Asian nation, the truth is quite the opposite. Singapore has actually played host to plenty of big names, including the upcoming domination of six sold-out concerts each for Coldplay and Taylor Swift at the Singapore National Stadium.
In one shot, the 40-year-old Grammy winner s husband of two months - Hot Seat actor Sam Asghari - could be seen in the reflection of the mirror dutifully filming her dancing on his phone
You like new music, yeah? Then here's some new music. Don't forget to leave your vote at the foot of the page. But first, some old music. From last week. And we congratulate Ray Wylie Hubbard, whose Naturally Wild collected the most votes, perhaps due to the involvement of  Lzzy Hale and John 5. And we congratulate The Blue Carpet Band, whose The Slow Death Of Camden rocked its way into second place, followed by Ann Wilson's Greed.Who'll reign at the end of this week's competition? Tune in in seven days to find out.