and important as they are, and more important as they re going to be as we fight in the asymmetrical battle. sean: why did he leave with just about three and a half years to go? why didn t he stick it out. you read a series of ailments he s got. jump out of planes. sean: a desk job? they don t want a desk job and don t want to carry a gun and use it. they re tired of doing that. they say it s not an adrenalin rush for me anymore, it doesn t make me excite today do this, i want to do something else. sean: that s the reason he said he left. there are some things i learned about the killing that i didn t know in your article. he hit, popped him what, twice in the head. three times forehead, twice as he was standing and described in detail. i wanted the pictures to come out and he described something we maybe don t want to see. a lawsuit was filed to see the pictures, gruesome you
i know his running mate congressman ryan also making news today. what did he have to say? he defended his medicare plan which democrats claim would end medicare as we know it. ryan s budget calls for a premium support system that would help them buy health insurance on the open market or stay with the current plan. he says something has to be done. it s a system that needs reforming so we don t want to put more money and more people on a program that is failing and not working. we want to reform medicaid. what we are saying is don t expand this program as dramatically as obama care does keep it like it is increase funding send it to the states so the states can fix the funding. his interview was also pretaped. he had toe campaign events. we will go to florida now. president obama continuing his bus tour. he spoke to a crowd in west palm beach. he hit governor romney on
all to pay for new entitlement we didn t even ask for, the greatest threat to medicare is obamacare. we are going to stop it. jenna: that was vice presidential nominee paul ryan speaking at the republican convention last night. congress for attacking the president helped a lot saying that he and governor romney will overturn it. their opponents can consider themselves as they stay unnoticed. senator barrasso is the chairman of the republican policy committee and is also a doctor, which makes them good to talk about these certain things like medicare. nice to have you back on the program. thank you, john. jenna: i to ensure that you have seen some sports injuries in your day. mitt romney is really the roundup hitter, if you will come of this convention. what do you think he needs to do tonight? the first home run he hit was actually when he named paul ryan to be his vice presidential nominee. we saw last night the kind of leadership this country needs to
economy dramatically changes when it comes to summer programs, next year, things are likely to get worse. kelly. kelly: david lee, a good report on a very important top, thank you. america s small businesses are called the engine of the u.s. economy and now they re at risk of taking a major he hit. as one of the most critical li lifelines is set to expire. traditionally we re led out of a recession by small businesses hiring people and creating jobs and that s not happening in this recession at this time. dan dayner is president and ceo of the national federation of independent businesses a nonpartisan group that represents small businesses across the u.s. the organization s latest survey shows those businesses by all accounts crucial to the recovery of the u.s. economy aren t feeling particularly hopeful. may marks the third c
misinformation. which is a fancy word for a lie to keep percolating. whether donald trump talking about birther nonsense it doesn t need to be indulged as one man s opinion, it needs to be condemned as a lie which it is. amen, brother. you can read john s entire column on this subject at all golfers have that one nightmare hole they like to keep a secret but when you re on the pga tour, everybody knows about it. the harsh spotlight on kevin na playing the 9th hole at topen, e hit so many spots he lost count. he had to keep whacking it away to get it out of there. after finishing the hole, he had to check the video to check his score. in case you re wondering, score on that one hole, 16. highest ever for a par 4 hole in