The Jammu and Kashmir government has decided to defer the traditional biannual darbar move to Srinagar and has instead implemented the e-office project of dig
welcome back, it s 22 minutes past the hour. christine romans is talking about wlorpt we ll see the home buyer tax credit expanded or whether its run its course. time is running out and you need to assume it has run its course here and you have a little bit of time left to sign a contract on a new home if you ve been putting it off. you must sign the sales contract by april 30th and close by june 30th. form 5405 is for first time home buyers who have already done this to make sure you get your money back from the government. there are no e files on that if you re trying to seal the deal from last year. look, you can also amend your 2009 taxes if you ve already filed taxes and need to go back and do this. first time homers, $8,000, repeat buyers $6500.