The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin. Giving this story way, way, way too much oxygen. Okay. The tweets that hes been doing brooke on mueller, on the witchhunt, on, you know, the democrats working for robert mueller, which is by the way not it is a red herring, that is not something the people working around the president on strategy are concerned with. This crossed the line. Specifically on the piece regarding getting dirt on a political opponent, this to you. The president saying its politics, everyone does it but federal law makes it a crime for any person to solicit accept a contribution for a u. S. Political campaign or for the purpose of influencing any action for federal office. What is the trump Tower Meeting peter against the law even though as they say they didnt actually get anything on her, the fact that that was the
intent. I would say they are all, everyone who participated in that meeting has a great deal of legality jeopardy. And certainly in t
not know. if you do that enough, through a mouse repeatedly a virus will alter itself. that s what happens. they mutate. genetic information is exchanged. the more you experiment the more these things happen on their own and select out the one more likely to infect and kill humans. that s what happens. so all this money being given to ecohealth alliance and the n.i.h. saying we didn t know he was supposed to report back to us and he didn t report back to us and viruses got altered that became more humanized and we didn t know. that s enough of an excuse that you didn t know. harris: you just explained so much so simply. and it really boils down to the fact that when dr. fauci and others at the n.i.h. say that well, it could have accidentally happened. isn t that the whole purpose of research? you are doing something over and over and over and over until something spontaneously happens like life? that s true and one of the
crime that he committed. you know? it s like that s the whole point. the point it s not about whether it was the contribution. it s about the conspiracy basically to hide this. and, you know, this was supposed to be this was clearly done because of the campaign, even though all trump supporters and donald trump have been saying for the last 11 months basically that it wasn t. we now know that that is exactly what it was for. and that is a crime. i don t follow the point of because kiersten, let s just be honest. if donald trump okay, let s say donald trump had taken $150,000 or 15,000, pick a number, of his own money and decided to run it through michael cohen to buy ads on television and didn t want to tell anybody, would we be upset, would we be trying to impeach him? he use the money to benefit the campaign. it s not what he did was wrong, it s what he didn t report was wrong. so this conspiracy you re making up every campaign has almost almost every campaign
and that is a crime. i don t follow the point of because kiersten, let s just be honest. if donald trump okay, let s say donald trump had taken $150,000 or 15,000, pick a number, of his own money and decided to run it through michael cohen to buy ads on television and didn t want to tell anybody, would we be upset, would we be trying to impeach him right now? he used the money to benefit the campaign. it s not what he did was wrong, it s what he didn t report was wrong. so this conspiracy you re making up every campaign has almost almost every campaign for president, i think every one but mine in 2012 had a reporting violation. does that mean they defrauded themselves in running? no. does it mean they had a conspiracy? no. people don t report things. i believe the president on this one that it s michael cohen s fault for not actually telling him, by the way, you have to report this or you might want to think about reporting it. not the president s fault. kiersten?
the show stopper. he is manafort s former deputy at the trump campaign. he is awaiting his own sentence after pleading guilty to making false statements and conspiracy to defraud the united states. plus he is cooperating with prosecutors as part of a plea deal. simone is following this story for us from washington. let s start with the bookkeeper who has been testifying. tell me about the bookkeeper and any connection to gates. she is under cross-examination. the defense is questioning her. we don t have exact details yet but it s clear they are going to paint her as someone who may have been been confused or uncertain. i think one of the thing that the defense may try to do is ask her why she didn t report she is alleging all sorts of things that manafort made her do. why didn t she report to it anyone. the other thing, they are going to question her immunity deal, whether or not she is testifying, whether or not she is giving up this information because she herself is afraid