who seur d r clidot coirs in andhey ve aox.licoinnd y and ansid.thatox is eir nancl li.ndidat s r ncli peoe wa up d reize. betr stt doinsomeing.eowap ree. etst in opemeup tg.t bo ornizit. pe t boand makdecions. we rlly re hez to t.lp y.d akcis. ry he tho loo ybacknd tnk ow. nev thoht i cld dthisthoock t w.but ev ve hotual don cit. dis [ le aounc ] vit amipri.com t e analput on co.idenretiment re w[ thin aeachnc viamriom ant oentint winch he pet yeahit se, b broer. heet put e rete dn anlistah. s b ro. [ le aounc ] th intventn brght yout y nirepan. danst [ anc thntntbrt ousoniou cn. bac onhe cesebgers anstopd usg yo exsocise cike ac a c t raon. cebrs anopusyo exsee cra that it?ou rdoneat t?don rthinneso. you ld m yo docr s rrie n in.u mab t plyoue occlogs ng yier arries- whatid hcallt. coabnaryplrter diseoge. yaresat hll..coryerse thatholeeroledice he ao was yoon -niasn? atleolic awayo -as i loed iup oine. hey,ete,ou wting for engved vitaon?lo i oe.y,e, wng
eters a the famlies om vestnts.. toife nsur ce..er aheames to m altstcares.ptio s. toe ur .. l rn me wh oufree us reteme gui. o ltreio l m wouee usetmeui cal877-42-ua. al7 u y, pe. yeahit se, b broer. p put e rete dn anlistah. s b ro. [ le aounc ] th intventn brght yout y nirepan. danst [ anc thntntbrt ousoniou cn. bac onhe cesebgers anstopd usg yo exsocise cike ac a c t raon. cebrs anopusyo exsee cra that it?ou rdoneat t?don rthinneso. you ld m yo docr s rrie n in.u mab t plyoue occlogs ng yier arries- whatid hcallt. coabnaryplrter diseoge. yaresat hll..coryerse thatholeeroledice he ao was yoon -niasn? atleolic awayo -as i loed iup oine. hey,ete,ou wting for engved vitaon?lo i oe.y,e, wng r malengnnoud er ]ta ? youave gh clestol ancorory aery seas leou ] oue cst anro ay as and et a exeise are t engh nipan, long ith d et axe anea bi acie bindeng ren, nin,ngh anbicind re isda-arovenot ly tolow wn pque ildu is-avet tow pe du t toctuay he cle so of awa toua helete, kidso f i wawaysookeup
hey,ete,ou wting for engved vitaon?lo i oe.y,e, wng r malengnnoud er ]ta ? youave gh clestol ancorory aery seas leou ] oue cst anro ay as and et a exeise are t engh nipan, long ith d et axe anea bi acie bindeng ren, nin,ngh anbicind re isda-arovenot ly tolow wn pque ildu is-avet tow pe du t toctuay he cle so of awa toua helete, kidso f i wawaysookeup tyou. , id i yske tu. no i must trng tlookfterou. malennouer ]f yo cann affd yo mednoatio mttr toker. leou ]yo nn ffll 1yo77-nedspanio nias n is 1ot f-n eveanone, likeeopl withtoma ulc s,asis fve e, ver, serus bedinprob ms. kepl th ma lcvereiveramagcan cur r,en stchi to eraspa binob. reeragn r s hi o frompammedte-reaseiaci ood sts e need toheckor ler pblem omed-rseci d s ne tellour toctorckf yo lhave p emmusc paior wknes llr or yois cveld b a sisc ai of werioes sideffes; c th b rissican creaof io wiid stafen us ll yr do or aut athoholis n eae, i you wi evetahad usut ydo a aol iu orvere dd betiand perice ineasein bod sar. or dtid ri inse b
he ao lost the electoral college by 19 votes. the country was so nuts at the time, so riven, so crazed by our differences and our resentments and our fear that in three states we actually have no idea what their electoral votes were in the presidential race that year. u.s. tests they in south carolina, florida and louisiana, each party, the democratic party and the republican party in each of those states each announced that its candidate had won the so when it came time to cast electoral votes in that presidential election, the carolina stood up and said we hereby declare that south carolina is casting its electoral votes for the republican. democrats came out and said no, no, no, we hereby declare that south carolina is casting its electoral votes for democrat.