A New Braunfels Utilities contractor has begun work on a nearly $5.5 million improvement project that will add needed pumping and transmission capacity when completed in December.
A New Braunfels Utilities contractor has begun work on a nearly $5.5 million improvement project that will add needed pumping and transmission capacity when completed in December.
New Braunfels Utilitiesâ North Kuehler 30-inch and 33-inch Interceptor Upgrade Project in central New Braunfels, part of New Braunfels Utilitiesâ wastewater capital improvement projects to replace and upgrade aging infrastructure, is nearing completion despite weather delays.
The project consists of replacing existing 21-inch, 24-inch, and 27-inch interceptors in NBUâs Wastewater Treatment Plant drainage basin with 30-inch and 33-inch inch interceptors.Â
The interceptor replacement includes 12,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer main.Â
The project alignment begins east of the Guadalupe River, runs across the river and Cross River Street, runs north on Washington Avenue, runs east on South Street, through Prince Solms Park, through Hinman Island Park, east on Elizabeth Avenue, through the Wurstfest grounds, across Landa Street, through the Knights of Columbus property, and then continues along the Dry Comal Creek to across Walnut Avenue.
Work continues on the North Kuehler 30-inch and 33-inch Interceptor Upgrade Project in central New Braunfels, part of New Braunfels Utilitiesâ wastewater capital improvement projects to replace and upgrade aging infrastructure.
The project consists of replacing existing 21-inch, 24-inch, and 27-inch interceptors in NBUâs Wastewater Treatment Plant drainage basin with 30-inch and 33-inch inch interceptors.Â
The interceptor replacement includes 12,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer main.Â
The project alignment begins east of the Guadalupe River, runs across the river and Cross River Street, runs north on Washington Avenue, runs east on South Street, through Prince Solms Park, through Hinman Island Park, east on Elizabeth Avenue, through the Wurstfest grounds, across Landa Street, through the Knights of Columbus property, and then continues along the Dry Comal Creek to across Walnut Avenue.