recounted to the jury today by his cell mate. on the stand in an orange prison jump suit with his hands in large jail house cuffs. ingmar guandique, gang affiliation ms-13. jail time, ten years for assaulting two women in rock creek park. armando morales. nickname, gangif i wif affiliat jail for drug and gun violations. in 2006, the two were cell mates at the federal penitentiary in kentucky. it was there that morales that guandique told him about the chana levy murder. he told me he spotted her walking in the park that she was alone, that she was wearing pouch. he said he grabbed her from behind. around the neck and pulled her from the trail. she was fighting and struggling. but in the bushes, she stoed struggling. he said he took the waist pouch and ran away he said he dinot know she was dead. he said he didn t tell authorities about the confession until 2008 when he heard on the news that police were getting ready to charge ingmar guanque. the defense attorneys accused mor