letter in it. and we kept hearing that the letter said tim didn t do it. you keep hearing rumors like that. billy goes to the sheriff s department and has to pretend he s investigating another case because if he let on he was investigating this case it would have set off all kinds of bells and whistles. sure enough the lost wallet belonged to a fellow named shawn. shawn buckner was a close friend of pat cone. the prosecutor s star witness. the alert in the the letter in buckner s lost wallet called cone s testimony into question. that letter talks about pat s doubts. pat kind of hoped shawn buckner and his fiance about his doubts to the point where they wrote each other a letter about it. richardson flew to louisiana where buckner was training in the air force when he got there buckner closed the door on his face. he didn t want to get involved. shawn buckner didn t know whether to betray his friend and