Thank you for being here. Pretty remarkable i never thought id stand in front of this many cameras but thank you for being here. I want to thank my fellow ags we have 50 attorney generals from across the nation who are involved in this investigation that we are leading from texas and i cant tell you how much i appreciate their support and interests its been an important issue for our time. What we have all learned is that we are many consumers believe the internet is free certainly we know from googles products that the internet is not free. This is a company that dominates all aspects of advertising on the internet and searching on the internet as they dominate the buyer side, seller side of the auction site and even the video side with youtube. This investigation is not a lawsuit but its investigation to determine the facts and right now were looking at advertising but the facts will lead to where the facts lead. Even as we speak there will be 3. 8 million searches and a lot of adver
Spring woman left with broken pipes, water damage in home after contractor hit water line
Shauna Reyes said she walked outside last week to find part of her property underwater.
“It was coming up so quickly and so fast,” she said.
While her initial focus was on the outside, that changed when she walked back inside.
“I checked my son’s room and there’s water,” Reyes said. “And in the living room, there’s water.”
The Post Wood Municipal Utility District said a contractor accidentally hit a water line last Wednesday morning while rehabilitating a sanitary sewer line. As a result, water was able to get inside two adjacent homes.