This year’s miscellaneous motor vehicle bill includes a measure that would allow Vermonters to put their licenses, learner’s permits and nondriver identification cards on their phones.
As landlord and real estate groups continue to lobby against the measure, activists and tenant groups have pushed it in an effort to protect tenants from profit-motivated and retaliatory evictions.
Commissioning a congressional study is most commonly the first step in what can be a years-long process to achieve designation as a wild and scenic waterway.
Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Baruth, D/P-Chittenden, said that as of Thursday, in most Senate meeting rooms, the capacity limits imposed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic have been increased by 50% or more.
State police are also investigating sheriff-elect John Grismore, who is slated to take office next month. Officials were mum on details about the investigation Thursday.