time. appreciate it. ainsley: jillian has headlines for us. jillian: good morning to you and to you at home as he will. a cold blooded cop killer is excited to walk away a free man. her man belle saying he feels good being released friday. rejected an appeal filed by the widow of one of the victims to block his parole. lawyers plan to file another appeal today. nypd officers lured and ambushed by bell and two others in 1971. the former body guard of 9/11 mastermind object is living the good life on the taxpayer dime in germany. receives $1,400 in welfare each month and police won t send him back to his homeland of to your knowledge shato yourtunisia ove. he was never criminally charged. the fresno state professor who celebrated the death of barbara bush on twitter will
officers from dallas and our loss prevention officer from home depot. they are out of surgery, and we are asking for your continued prayers. jillian: all of the victims remain hospitalized in critical condition. president trump standing by va chief nominee hours after suggesting he step aside. ronny jackson s confirmation hearing p hearing is postponed as the senate looks into allegations he created a hostile work environment and overprescribing drugs. the claims, despite past praise from president trump and former president obama. here s the best set we have. these are the fitness report and counseling records from president obama. gave very high marks to ronny jackson. quote. most impressive leader who continues to perform at the flag officer level meaning admiral. earned confidence and gratitude for diligence and knowledge. jillian: if confirmed, jackson will take over for david shulkin. air force fighter pilot ejects to safety moments