Zerodha is trying to change the way Indians manage their wealth. With Rainmatter, the startup is trying to change the way Indians eat, stay fit, interact with nature and undertake financial transactions
The Mauritius Institute of Directors (MIoD) announce d the results of its Annual Members Meeting held on 28th September 2023 which concluded with the election of a new Chairperson and an accomplished new Board of Directors. This leadership change marks a new chapter for the organization, bringing fresh perspectives and a renewed commitment to excellence.
It’s evident that low platelets alone may not necessarily be indicative of severity. Platelet transfusions to correct the number could, in fact, be harmful. The important indicators or alarms of severity are hematocrit (an indicator of fluid deficit in the body and blood thickness). Hematocrit normally should be less than 45, as high hematocrit levels suggest leaky blood vessels and profound loss of water content in the blood, similar to profound dehydration, the paediatrician added.
Parents and school administrations have raised their concerns regarding changing the school timing to an hour or so earlier could worsen their physical and emotional health