by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Responding to demands from the establishment for a full-scale ban on all communication mediums that have the potential to be used for inciting riots, unrest and violence, Andrew Torba, founder of Gab, says that based on the facts, Facebook and Twitter should be the first to go.
These two platforms have been used time and time again, he says, to foment all kinds of illicit activity, and yet nothing has been done because those committing said crimes are leftists. Following the Capitol “invasion,” however, which was blamed on “Trump supporters,” there is a newfound interest in cracking down on free speech – but only conservative free speech on “alternative” platforms like Gab and Parler.
(Nathan Congleton/MSNBC via AP)
On today’s episode of “Left-Wing Life Imitating Art” (See: George Orwell’s “1984”), one of PMSNBC’s myriad of Trump-loathing hosts, Nicolle Wallace on Wednesday called for a national policy by which conservatives would be required to “assert the truth” before being “allowed” to “share any other views” on social media or anywhere else, presumably.
This is the Left’s latest crack down mindset on information and free expression.
Wallace’s brazen “demand” is as profound as it is insane.
Whose truth? Wallace’s “truth”? PMSNBC’s “truth”? And her condescending reference to “other views” as if views shared by conservatives are everything
The legacy press, such as the New York Times, and activist groups such as the Anti-Defamation League, each also blamed two challenger sites – Gab and Parler – rather than the big sites like Twitter and Facebook where rioters actually planned their activities.
The reality of app store bans is and always has been that Big Tech moderation policies are selectively applied. Big Tech responds not to reality but to the demands of far-left activists who clog the proverbial phone lines of Apple and Google every time a handful of offensive or illegal posts appears on our sites, while ignoring when hundreds of thousands of illegal or offensive posts appears on theirs.